Sunday, September 13, 2015

Google Forms: Health Education

Health Education 5th Grade:
Standard #1: The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress.
Objective #4: Demonstrate constructive ways of managing stress. 

Educational Technology Standard #4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. 
  • This google form will be used for a variety of purposes when learning about Health Education. It will be a tool for students to be able to openly talk about what causes them stress, it will be a tool for me to be able to help students when it comes to stress, and it will test the students' knowledge on what they learned about stress during our lesson.
  • It is very important for students to understand that EVERYONE feels stress, no matter what age. But, there are very effective ways to control our stress. This project will help us learn ways to identify stress and cope with it.
  • This form will coincide with our stress management plans we made in class. 

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